When running the migration tool for a site moving from Magento 1 to Magento 2, I encountered the following errors
[2019-01-21 12:49:45][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: < 1 sec
[2019-01-21 12:49:45][ERROR]: Class olegnaxmegamenu/category_attribute_source_type does not exist but mentioned in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_id=145
[2019-01-21 12:49:45][ERROR]: Class olegnaxmegamenu/category_attribute_source_percent does not exist but mentioned in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_id=149
[2019-01-21 12:49:45][ERROR]: Class olegnaxmegamenu/category_attribute_source_layout does not exist but mentioned in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_id=150
[2019-01-21 12:49:45][ERROR]: Class olegnaxmegamenu/category_attribute_source_yesno does not exist but mentioned in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_id=151
[2019-01-21 12:49:45][ERROR]: Class MageWorx_SeoBreadcrumbs_Model_System_Config_Source does not exist but mentioned in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_id=167
eav_attribute.source_model error
These related to the Athlete Magento 1 theme by Olegnax and MageWorx SEO Ultimate suite plugin.
To fix this you need to add some entries to class-map.xml
Change the config.xml path
Update the path from class-map.xml.dist to class-map.xml;
Then run the migration tool script again. I hope that helps.